I strongly believe in gifts which are handmade for children. Those are the gifts that are truly cherished. Just the fact that someone took the time to make a gift for me or my baby is remarkable. Mostly because I am just not crafty and it amazes me with all of the great things people can make. I try to buy handmade whenever possible.
Marielynn Boutique is an exquisite online boutique offering handmade baby items and various things handmade for children. You just can't go wrong with handmade gifts. From very useful things like burp cloths and blankets to fun and frivolous things, like chalk mats and hair accessories, you'll find a great assortment of fine handmade gifts.
Let's face it, being a mom can be a dirty job. Thanks to all of the great handmade baby items, you don't have to loose your style! Marielynn Boutique offers a great assortment of baby wipe cases adorned with colorful fabrics and trim. I love that these come stocked with the baby wipes already in them!

Marielynn's has a vast variety of handmade hair accessories from barrettes and clippies to headbands and pony O's. Whatever you need, you'll find it here.
Marielynn's Boutique makes a super product know as the chalk mat. The chalk mat is a fabulous idea to keep mom's sane. It's a roll up mat, and adorable I must add, that you can draw on with chalk. This is perfect for restaurants, airplanes, Dr. visits, or anywhere you want you kids to be quiet for five minutes.
Now you have seen some of the the great handmade baby items and things handmade for children! Perhaps you'll be inspired to shop with handmade boutiques and help support small business owners.

Look at these great discounts from Marielynn's Boutique:
15-50% off select items. Visit their sale page: http://marielynnboutique.com/category/sale.htm
15% discount right away when you sign up for their newsletter.
Free shipping on all orders over $100.00
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